Being sick has some advantages, I suppose. It forces you to put the brakes on and re-evaluate where you've been, what you've done, where you're headed, and how you're going about it.
Sometimes, I let the excitement of living my life get the best of me, and I run myself a bit ragged. Maybe it goes back to all those years living under the roof of a Chinese mother... hearing constantly about how the other kids are working harder, getting better grades, achieving more athletically, have more friends, until later it turns into stuff like getting better jobs, marrying someone from a more prominent family, making more money, etc., etc., etc.
Thank God that it's not like that these days with my Mom, but I guess some of that is still hard-wired into me. I remember hearing my Mom talk with great esteem about my Chinese godbrother and how he was such a stud in social & athletic circles and how he went on to work internationally and fly here & there and jet-setted around Asia for a living. He even married a Hong Kong starlet in a posh ceremony in Thailand.
So what do I find myself doing now, even when the stimulus is gone?
Making lots of friends, doing elite martial arts & kettlebell training, practicing and teaching Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), flying all over creation to do these things, and making damn good money in the process.
So what's the problem?
There's no real problem per se, but it may be time for me to re-evaluate what my goals in life are. Talking with one of my former students from the UCLA Kung-Fu days, I realize that so much of what we spend our energies on these days revolves around our kids. Family's undeniably important. And no matter how successful someone is professionally, the public always wants to know about their inner personal life.
How you live your family life defines you. How you treat those who are closest to you speaks volumes about who you really are. And what you do to nourish the good points and weed out the bad points in your family life decides TONS about how the rest of your life will turn out.
So while I've been saying it for a long time, I'm going to be forcing myself to nourish the good and weed out the bad with my own family. That's priority #1.
What comes after that? My own health, and it's actually a tie rather than a subordination.
And what's involved in my understanding of health? - the triduum of mind, body, and spirit.
- 1. More focused study of Gray Cook's FMS technologies
- 2. More diligent research into optimizing business practices
- 3. More disciplined review of Pavel's extensive writings & the RKC system
- 1. Optimizing athletic fitness (getting back into prime fighting shape through a combination of MA & RKC kettlebell training methods)
- 2. Learning & internalizing new neurological combative skill sets: Combat Shuai-Chiao, BJJ, & both traditional & non-classical standup MA
- 3. Eating more cleanly
- 1. More family-nourishing time
- 2. Regular endurance training
- 3. Focusing more energy on nourishing those who themselves nourish the social synergy that is needed to succeed
Let's see how much of that I can accomplish for the remainder of 2008!