Thursday, September 18, 2008

Associated Press Kettlebells article

OK... They got part of it right. Then again, they didn't use me as the sole source, so I take no responsibility for anything other than 3 paragraphs.



John Roberts said...

You did an excellent job Dr. Cheng. It's AP, they don't want all the facts without sensation, but they did do kettlebells more justice than I thought they would. While forgoing "Dancing with the Stars", just give me a handle and I'll snatch the Moon! Now that's sensation!

John Spezzano said...

Good work Doc. At least the word is getting out there.

Rannoch Donald said...

Great Stuff Hombre.

Kettlebells & Yoga. Great combo. I am still struggling with the Ashtanga primary series. Just signed up for my second beginners class.

Not quite so exotic as Asanas on the beach but weather permitting its KB and Yoga in the Park.



Unknown said...

Thank you for your kind words, Sirs. Rest assured that the next time I do an article with any major news agency, it's going to be on a whole different level.